Computer M.C.Q
Answer: Option C
*2. Dot-matrix is a type of
Answer: Option B
A. Van-Neumann
B. Joseph M Juoquard
C. J. Presper Ecket and John W Mauchly
D. All of the above
E. None of the above
Answer: Option C
(A) Vainer Liner Scale Integrating
(B) Virtual Large Scale Integrating
(C) Very Large Scale Integrating
(D) Very Large Scan Integrating
Answer: Option C
(A) Arithmetic and Logic Unit
(B) Adding Logic Unit
(C) Algorithm Logic Unit
(D) Arithmetic Losing Unit
Answer: Option A
(b) Hard Disk Driver
(c) Hard Disk space Drive
(d) Hard Diskette Driver
Answer: Option A
(b) Compact Disk Read Only Memory
(c) Contract Dish Read Only Memory
(d) Contract Disk Right Only Memory
Answer: Option B
(b) Broad Input Output System
(c) Basic In out Syndrome
(d) Broad Unload Out load Symptom
Answer: Option A
*9. What is the full form of DBMS ?
(a) Data Base Microsoft System
(b) Data Base Management System
(c) Data Base Macro Software
Data Base Micro Software
Answer: Option B
*10. What is the full form of RAM ?
Random Access Memory
Random Across Memory
Ready Across Memory
Ready Access Memory
Answer: Option A
*11. What is the full form of SQL ?
Structured Query Lamination
Structured Query Language
Structured Query Limitation
Structured Query Line
Answer: Option B
*12. What is the full form of VIRUS ?
(a) Vital Information and Resources under Seize
(b) Voice Information and Resources under Siege
(c) Vital Infection and Resources under Siege
(e) Variable Infection and Resources under Siege
Answer: Option A
*13. What is the full form of ROM ?
Random Only Memory
Random Over Memory
Read Only Memory
Read over Memory
Answer: Option C
*14. What is the full form of OMR ?
(a) Optical Mark Recorder
(b) Optical Mark Reader
(c) Optical Method Reader
(d) Optical Method Recorder
Answer: Option B
*15. What is the full form of ENIAC ?
(a) Electronics
Numerical Intersection and Computer
(b) Electronics
Numerical Integrator and Calculator
(c) Electronics Number Interchange and
(d) Electronics
Number Interchange and Computer
Answer: Option C
*16. What is the full
form of CMOS ?
Complex Metal Oxide Semi-conductor
Complex Metal Oxide and Semi-conductor
Complementary Metal Oxide Semi-conductor
Complexity Metal Oxide Semi-conductor
Answer: Option A
*17. What is the full
form of WAN ?
World Area Nation
Wide Area Network
Ward Area Network
Word Area Nation
Answer: Option B
*18. What is the full
form of WWW
World Web Wide
World Wide Web
Ward Web Wide
Web World Wide
Answer: Option C
*19. What is the full
form of USB ?
Universal Serial Bus
Universal Sub Bus
Universal serial Bit
United Sub Bit
Answer: Option A
*20. What is the full
form of BASIC ?
Beginners All Purpose Symbolic Interface Code
Beginners All Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
Beginners All Purpose Symbolic International
Beginners All Popular Symbolic Interface Code
Answer: Option B
*21. What is the full
form of KBPS ?
Kilo Byte per Sequence
Kilo Bit per Second
Kilo Byte per Scan
Kilo Byte per Second
Answer: Option D
*22. What is the full
form of AGP ?
Accelerated Graphics Part
Accelerated Gigabyte Port
Accelerated Graphical Part
Accelerated Graphics Port
Answer: Option A
*23. What is the full
form of MAN ?
Media Area Control
Metropolitan Area Network
Metropolitan Area Control
Metropolitan Association Control
Answer: Option B
*24. What is the full
form of MS DOS ?
Microsoft Disk Operating System
Microsoft Diskette Operating System
Microsoft Disk Operator System
Microsoft Disk Operation System
Answer: Option A
*25. What is Windows?
Operating System
System Software
User’s Program
Application Program
Option A
26. Which is primary memory?
Answer: Option C
27. Which is Secondary
Answer: Option D
*28. A light
sensitive device that converts drawing, printed text or other images into
digital form is
A. Keyboard
B. Plotter
C. Scanner
E. None of these
Answer: Option C
*29. The basic architecture of
computer was developed by
A. John Von Neumann
B. Charles Babbage
C. Blaise Pascal
D. Garden Moore
E. None of these
30. In order to tell Excel that we are entering a formula in
cell, we must begin with an operator such as
(a). $ (b). @
(c). + (d). = (e)
Answer: Option D
*31. In how many
generations a computer can be classified?
(a). 3 (b). 4 (c).
(d). 6 (e) None of these
Answer: Option C
*32. Fifth generation
computers are based on
a. Artificial Intelligence
b. Programming Intelligence
c. System Knowledge
e. None of these
Answer: Option A
*33. First generation of
computer was based on which technology?
a. Transistor
b. LSI
d. Vacuum Tube
e. None of these
Answer: Option D
*34. Microprocessor was
introduced in which generation of computer?
A. Second Generation
B. Fourth Generation
C. Both (A) and (B)
D. Third Generation
E. All of these
Answer: Option B
*35. Second generation
computers are made of
A. Vacuum Tubes
B. Transistors
E. None of these
Answer: Option B
*36. Which of the
following memory is non-volatile?
C. ROM D. All of the above
E. None of
Answer: Option C
*37. GUI stands for
A. Graph Use Interface
B. Graphical Universal Interface
C. Graphical User Interface
D. Graphical Unique Interface
E. None of these
Answer: Option C
*38. Microsoft Word is an
example of
A. an operating system
B. Processing device
C. Application software
D. an input device
E. System Software
Answer: Option C
*39. Who invented the super computer?
A. Seymour
Cray B. JH Van Tassell
C. Charles
Ginsberg D. Charles Babbage
E. None of
Answer: Option A
*40. Graphical pictures
that represent an object like file, folder etc are:
A. Task bar B. Windows
C. Icons
D. Desktop
E. None of
Answer: Option C
*41. The 0 and 1 in the
binary numbering system are called Binary Digits or
A. Bytes B. Kilobytes
C. Decimal
bytes D. Bits
E. None of
Answer: Option D
42. The size of commonly used
floppy disk is
A. 4.5" B. 3.5"
C. 3.25" D. 5.5"
E. None of
Answer: Option B
*43. The 'IC' chip, used
in computers, is made of
A. Chromium B. Iron Oxide
C. Silica D. Silicon
E. None of
Answer: Option D
*44. Which of the
following operating systems is produced by IBM?
A. OS-2 B. Windows
Answer: Option A
*45. The processor which
performs arithmetical and logical operations is called
A. Control B. ALU
C. Register D. Cache Memory
Answer: Option B
46. Which was an early mainframe
Answer: Option D
*47. Where is the
headquarters of Intel located?
A. Redmond, Washington
B. Tucson, Arizona
C. Santa Clara, California
D. Richmond, Virginia
Answer: Option C
*48. Which of the
following was the first Intel processor introduced?
A. 3080 B. 4004
C. 8080 D. 8086
Answer: Option B
*49. Window's settings
are recorded in
Answer: Option B
50. Which network protocol is used
to send e-mail?
E. None of
Answer: Option D
*51. When was the first
e-mail sent?
A. 1963 B. 1969
C. 1971 D. 1974
Answer: Option C
*52. Operating System is
the most common type of _________ software.
A. Communication
B. Application
C. System
D. Word Processing Software
Answer: Option C
*53. Super computers are
mainly useful for
A. Mathematical intensive scientific
B. Data-retrieval operations
C. Input-output intensive processing
D. All of the above
Answer: Option A
54. The operating system manages
A. Memory
B. Processor
C. Disk and I/O Devices
D. All of the above
Answer: Option D
55. Which memory is non-volatile
and may be written only once?
Answer: Option D
*56. Which of the
following memory is volatile
Answer: Option A
*57. A kilobyte also referred to as KB, is equal to:
A. 1000 bytes B. 1024 bytes
C. 2048 bytes D. 512 bytes
Answer: Option B
58. Which of the following items is
not used in LAN?
A. Computers B. Modem
C. Printer D. Cable
Answer: Option B
*59. ROM is needed for storing an
initial program called _______.
A. Computer Startup Loader
B. OS Version
C. Kernel
D. Bootstrap Loader
E. None of the above
Answer: Option D
*60. Computer Virus is a
A. Hardware B. Software
C. Bacteria D. Freeware
Answer: Option B
*61. EEPROM stands for
A. Electronically Erasable
Programmable Read-Only Memory
B. Electrically Erasable Programmable
Read-Only Memory
C. Electrically Enabled Programmable
Read Only Memory
D. Electronically Enabled
Programmable Read Only Memory
E. None of these
Answer: Option B
62. Another term for Main Memory is
A. Hard Disk B. ROM
C. Floppy Disk D. RAM
Answer: Option D
*63. The file extension
of MS-Word document in Office 2007 is _______.
A. .doc B. .docx
C. .pdf D. .txt
E. .xls
Answer: Option B
64. A computer port is used to?
A. Communicate with hard disks
B. Download files
C. Communicate with other computer
D. None of the above
Answer: Option C
*65. One MB is equal to?
A. 1024 Byte
B. 1024 KB
C. 1000 KB
D. 1024 GB
Answer: Option B
66. Dot-matrix, Deskjet, Inkjet and
Laser are all types of which computer peripherals?
A. Printers
B. Software
C. Monitors
D. Keyboards
Answer: Option A
*67. Internet Explorer is
a type of
A. Operating System
B. Browser
C. IP address
D. Compiler
Answer: Option B
68. AVI (Audio Video Interleave)
format was developed by?
A. IBM B. Apple
C. Microsoft D. Macromedia
E. Adobe
Answer: Option C
*69. ______ is the high
speed memory used in the computer.
A. RAM B. Hard Disk
C. Cache D. BIOS
Answer: Option C
70. Which one of the following is
an example of Operating System?
A. Microsoft
Word B. Microsoft Excel
C. Microsoft
Access D. Microsoft Windows
Answer: Option D
71. Which of the following is not
used as secondary storage?
A. Semiconductor memory
B. Magnetic Disks
C. magnetic Drums
D. Magnetic Tapes
Answer: Option A
*72. A collection of 8
bits is called
A. Byte B. Record
C. Word D. Nibble
Answer: Option A
73. A typical modern computer uses
A. Magnetic cores for secondary
B. Very-large-scale integration
(VLSI) chips
C. Magnetic tape for primary memory
D. More than 10,000 vacuum tubes
E. None of these
Answer: Option B
74. The term 'memory' applies to which one of the following
A. Logic
B. Storage
C. Input Device
D. Output Device
E. None of these
Answer: Option B
75. Which of the following is the
most powerful type of the computer?
A. Mainframe
B. Super conductor
C. Micro computer
D. Super computer
E. None of these
Answer: Option D
76. Which of the following is true
about primary storage?
A. It is a part of the CPU
B. It allows very fast access to data
C. It is relatively more expensive
D. All of the above
Answer: Option D
*77. A list of instructions used by a computer is called
A. Text
C. Program
D. Output
Answer: Option C
Section -2
*71. Which one is not an input device?
A. Keyboard B. Mouse
C. Speaker D. Scanner
E. None of the
Answer: Option C
*72. DNS in internet technology stands for
A. Distributed Name System
B. Data Name System
C. Dynamic Name System
D. Domain Name System
E. None of the above
Answer: Option D
*73. Portable program means?
A. Independent from its authors
B. Independent of platform
C. Program with wheels
D. None of the above
Answer: Option B
74. Memories which can be read only are called ______.
C. DRAM D. Virtual Memory
E. Secondary
Answer: Option B
*75. CPU controls _________.
A. All Input, Output and processing.
B. Controls Memory
C. Controlled by the input data
D. None of the above
Answer: Option A
76. USB stands for ________?
A. Universal Serial Bus
B. Universal Sequential Bus
C. Unique Serial Bus
D. Unique Sequential Bus
Answer: Option A
*77. ALU stands for ________?
A. Arithmetic Legal Unit
B. Arithmetic Logic Unit
C. Arithmetic Local Unit
D. Arithmetic Logic Utility
Answer: Option B
78. CPU stands for ______?
A. Central Performance Unit
B. Control Processing Unit
C. Common Processing Unit
D. Central Processing Unit
Answer: Option D
79. Which of the following holds the ROM, RAM, CPU?
A. Hard Disk B. ALU
C. Mother
Board D. None of the above
Answer: Option C
80. What does DRAM stand for?
A. Data Random Access Memory
B. Data Random Active Memory
C. Dynamic Random Access Memory
D. Double Random Access Memory
E. None of these
Answer: Option C
81. What is Cache RAM?
A. Extra memory used for overflow
from your Hard Disk
B. A place to store secret
information like passwords
C. It’s the same as your Hard Disk
D. Fast memory used for data that is
accessed often
E. None of these
Answer: Option D
82. Where does your PC store your programs when the power is off?
A. DRAM B. Cache
C. ROM D. Hard Disk Drive
E. None of
Answer: Option D
83. What is PCI (Peripheral Component Interconnect)?
A. A type of
monitor B. A type of system bus
C. A kind of
graphics D. A modem standard
E. None of
Answer: Option B
*84. Which company is not a microprocessor
A. IBM D. Intel
C. Microsoft B. AMD (Advanced Micro Devices)
E. None of
Answer: Option C
85. What does a system bus do?
A. Allows the user to communicate
with the computer
B. Carries out instructions
C. Connects various components within
the computer
D. Stores data and instructions
E. None of these
Answer: Option C
*86. Which company is not a PC manufacturer?
A. Intel B. Gateway
C. Dell D. Compaq
E. None of these
Answer: Option A
87. LAN stands for?
A. Last
Affordable Network B. Leased Area
C. Latency
around Network D. Local Area Network
E. None of
Answer: Option D
*88. Buying and selling the products over electronic
systems like internet is called _______
A. Online Shopping
B. Net Banking
C. E-Commerce
D. Digital Marketing
E. None of these
Answer: Option C
*89. What are the two types of monitors?
A. CRT and
C. DVD and
E. None of
Answer: Option B
90. ________ keys are present on the top row of the keyboard.
A. Function B. Type writer
C. Numeric D. Navigation
E. None of
Answer: Option A
*91. _________ computers are used in Banking,
Railways, and Airlines.
A. Mini computer
B. Micro Computer
C. Super Computer
D. Mainframe Computer
E. None of these
Answer: Option D
*92. Which of the following refers to the memory in
your computer?
Answer: Option A
93. When you are working on a document on PC, where is the document
temporarily stored?
C. CPU D. Flash Memory
Answer: Option A
*94. Which of the following is true?
A. Byte is a single digit in a binary
B. Bit represents a grouping of
digital numbers
C. Eight-digit binary number is
called a byte
D. Eight-digit binary number is
called a bit
E. None of these
Answer: Option C
95. Transformation of input into
output is performed by?
Peripherals B. Memory
C. Storage D. The CPU
E. The
Input-Output unit
Answer: Option E
96. How many options does a binary choice offer?
None B. One C. Two
D. It depends on the amount of memory
in the computer
E. It depends on the speed of the
computer's processor
Answer: Option C
*97. The _____ of a system includes the programs or
A. Hardware B. Icon
C. Information D. Software
E. None of
Answer: Option D
98. 'www' stands for _____
A. World
Word Web B. World Wide Web
C. World
White Web D. World Work Web
E. None of
Answer: Option B
*99. What Tab Ribbon is selected to cut, copy, and
Insert B. Page Layout C. View
Home E. None of these
Answer: Option D
*100. You can use the tab key to
A. Move a cursor across the screen
B. Indent a paragraph
C. Move the cursor down the screen
D. Only A and B
E. None of these
Answer: Option B
101. The most important or powerful computer in a typical network is
A. Desktop B. Network client
C. Network
server D. Network station
E. None of
Answer: Option C
102. Which of the following is an example of connectivity?
A. Internet B. Floppy disk
Power cord D. Data E. None of these
Answer: Option A
*103. The primary purpose of software is to turn
data into _____
A. Web sites B. Information
C. Programs D. Objects
E. None of
Answer: Option B
*104. Which of the following is the largest unit of
A. Gigabyte
(GB B. Kilobyte (KB)
C. Megabyte
(MB) D. Terabyte (TB)
E. None of these
Answer: Option D
*105. The _____ key will launch the start buttons.
A. Esc B. Shift
C. Windows D. Shortcut
E. None of
Answer: Option C
106. To move to the beginning of a line of text,
press the _____ key.
A. Home B. A
C. Page Up D. Enter
E. None of
Answer: Option A
*107. The _____ tells the computer how to
use its components.
A. Utility B. Network
C. Operating
Application program
E. None of
Option C
108. Computers that are portable and convenient for
users who travel are known as _____
A. Super
computers B. Laptops
C. Mini
computers D. File servers
E. None of
Answer: Option B
*109. The code for a Web page is written
using _____.
A. A fifth generation language
B. Win Zip
C. Peripherals
D. Hypertext Markup Language
Answer: Option D
110. Which of the following is NOT a type of broad
band internet connection?
A. Cable B. DSL
C. Dial-up D. Satellite
E. None of
Answer: Option C
Computer Networking MCQ
In networking terminology UTP means
A. Unshielded
Twisted pair
B. Ubiquitious
Teflon port
C. Uniformly
Terminating port
D. Unshielded
T-connector port
Answer Option: A
Fiber optics have maximum segment
Option: D
What uses a physical star topology?
Option: C
Explanation: 10 base T cable is also called as
Twisted-pair-Ethernet. A star topology LAN using unshared twisted pair instead
of coaxial cable
114: Ether LAN uses
A. Polar encoding
B. Differential
Manchester encoding
C. Manchester encoding
Answer Option: C
Explanation: Base band Ethernet LAN uses
Manchester encoding
115: A
3000 Hz bandwidth noisy channel transmits bits with a signal to thermal noise
ratio of 30 dB. What is the maximum data rate of the channel?
A. 30 kbps B. 00 kbps C. 60 kbps
D. none of these
Answer Option: A
116: Which
of the following is a time - division switch?
C. Cross point D. both (a) and (b)
Answer Option: D
Explanation: In time division switch, slots are divided
by time switching accomplished using time division multiplexing (TDM) and
another device called time slot interchange (TSI).
*117: What is the function of Ctrl + B in MS-Word?
A. It
converts selected text into the next larger size of the same font
B. It
adds a line break to the document
C. It
makes the selected text bold
D. It
applies Italic formatting the selected text
Answer Option: C
What is the function of CTRL+R in MS-Word?
A. Open
the Print dialog box
B. Update
the current Web page
C. Close
the current window
D. None
of these
Answer Option: D
What is the extension of files created in MS-Word 97- 2003?
Answer Option: B
120: In
Microsoft Word shortcut key CTRL+W is used for
A. Open
the Print dialog box
B. Update
the current Web page
C. close
the current window
D. None
of these
Answer Option: C
Which shortcut key is used to spell check in MS-Word?
Answer Option: C
In MS Word shortcut for paste is
Answer Option: C
In MS Word CTRL+P is used for
A. Open
the Print dialog box
B. Update
the current Web page
C. Close
the current window
D. None
of these
Answer Option: A
125: Which
of the following type of software is used for creating letters and papers
C. Operating
Program D. Spreadsheet
Answer Option: B
126: In MS
Word command to move the insertion point to the beginning of the previous word
D. None
of these
Answer Option: B
127: In MS Word command to move the insertion
point to the beginning of the previous paragraph is
Answer Option: D
*128: In MS Word command CTRL+A is used to
A. Select
B. Highlight
a block of text
C. Delete
D. Paste
Answer Option: A
129: In MS
Word command CTRL+E is used to
A. Open
the Search bar
B. Start
the Find utility
C. Open
the History bar
D. None
of these
Answer Option: D
In MS Word shortcut key CTRL+H is used to
A. Open
the spell check dialog box
B. displays
File Save Dialog Box
C. Displays
the Replace Dialog Box
D. None
of these
Answer Option: C
You can apply a double underline to text with
A. the Underline list
box in the Home Tab Ribbon
B. the Underline button
on the Insert Tab Ribbon
C. the Underline button
on the Page Layout Tab Ribbon
D. the Underline button
on the Review Tab Ribbon
Answer Option: A
You can display the next page in Print Preview by
A. Clicking
the Page Forward button
B. Clicking
the Previous Page button
C. Using
the vertical scroll bar
D. Clicking
the Next Page button
Answer Option: D
The default paper size and orientation is
C. 8.5"
x 11" Portrait D. 11" x 18"Portrait
Answer Option: C
134: Word
inserts a formula as
Answer Option: B
135: To update
a formula in a table, press the
Answer Option: A
136: You
can move the insertion point in a table
A. with
the UP ARROW and DOWN ARROW keys
B. with
the SHIFT+TAB keys
C. with
the TAB key
D. All
of the above
Answer Option: D*137: Which of the following special characters can be inserted in a filename?
A. the
semicolon (;)
B. the
hyphen (-)
C. the
period (.)
D. All
of above
Answer Option: D
Hyperlinks can be created between a Word document and
A. Another
Word document
B. Another
Office document
C. A
Web page on the WWW
D. All
of the above
Answer Option: D
You can display the Find and Replace dialog box by using the
C. Find
or Replace commands
D. Select
Browse Object button
Answer Option: A
140: Which
of the following items is not a default setting?
A. No
headers or footers
B. 1
inch top and bottom margins
C. Single
line spacing
D. Tabs
every 0.25"
Answer Option: D
141: Yon
can print
A. Specified
pages of the document
B. Selected
text in the document
C. The
page that contains the insertion point
D. A
and B
Answer Option: D
MS Excel MCQ
MS-Excel uses the . . . . Function when creating a data table
A. Average
B. Count
C. Both
(a) & (b)
D. Table
Answer Option: D
In MS-Excel to protect a worksheet, you can choose Protection and the Protect
Sheet from the........... Menu
A. Edit
B. Format
C. File
Tab/Office Button
D. All
of the above
Answer Option: C
144: In
MS-Excel when integrating MS-Word and MS-Excel, MS-Word is usually the
A. Server
B. Destination
C. Client
D. Both
(A) and (C)
Answer Option: D
In MS-Excel Comments put in cells are called
A. Smart
B. Cell
C. Web
D. None
of these
Answer Option: B
In MS-Excel constant is another name for this type of data
A. number
B. equation
C. formula
D. None
of these
Answer Option: A
MS PowerPoint MCQ
*147: In Microsoft Power Point when you were giving
your presentation and you need to click a slide that's few slides
back. Best way to achieve this is
A. Press ESC to get
back into a normal view: click the slide thumbnail in normal view;
then click the resume slide show button
B. Press backspace until
your desired slide
C. Righi click -->
Goto Slide --> Select Slide
D. All of the above
Answer Option: C
In Microsoft Power Point good design determines
A. Credibility
B. First impression
C. Readability
D. All of the above
Answer Option:
Which command brings you to the first slide in your presentation?
A. New slide button B. Page
Answer Option: C
In Microsoft PowerPoint to add a header or footer to your handout, you
can use
A. The
title master
B. The
slide master
C. The
handout master
D. All
of above
Option: C
In Microsoft PowerPoint the following will not advance the slides in a slide show
C. The
Enter key D. The mouse button
Option: A
In Microsoft PowerPoint in order to see all the slides on one screen use
A. View,
slide sorter B. View, slide
C. View,
master D. View, slide show
Option: A
In Microsoft PowerPoint the following is the default page setup
orientation for notes pages, outlines and handouts
Option: C
154: In Microsoft PowerPoint the
following allow you to select more than one slide in a presentation
A. Alt
+ Click each slide
B. Shift
+ drag each slide
C. Shift
+ Click each slide
D. Ctrl
+ Click each slide
Option: C
Which file format can be added to a PowerPoint show?
A. .jpg, B. .gif, C. .wav, D. All of the above
Option: D
156: In
Microsoft PowerPoint two kind of sound effects files that can be added to the
presentation are
A. .wav
files and .mid files
B. .wav
files and .gif files
C. .wav
files and .jpg files
D. .jpg
files and .gif files
Answer Option: A
In Microsoft PowerPoint the key on the keyboard can be used to view slide show
Option: C
Line spacing refers to
A. the
space between the lines of text
B. the
height of the line
C. the
length of the line
D. a
and b
Option: A
159: The
view that displays the slides of a presentation as miniature representations of
the slides is called
A. Slide
B. Slide
Sorter view
C. Notes
Page view
D. Outline
Option: B
160: Good
design determines
A. Credibility
B. First
C. Readability
D. All
of the above
Option: D
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