1.    What is computer? Draw the block diagram of Computer (Jan-13,14,15)
Answer: Computer is an electronic device that's designed to work with Information. The term computer is deduced from the Latin term ‘ computare ’, this means to calculate or programmable machine. Computer can not do anything without a Program. It represents the decimal figures through a string of double integers. The Word' Computer' generally refers to the Center Processor Unit plus Internal memory.


2.    What are the specialties/characteristics of computer (July-13,14)
Answer:  Characteristics of Computer:
SPEED: In general, no human being can compete to solving the complex computation, faster than computer.
ACCURACY: Since Computer is programmed, so whatever input we give it gives result with accurately.
STORAGE: Computer can store mass storage of data with appropriate formate.
DILIGENCE: Computer can work for hours without any break and creating error.
VERSATILITY: We can use computer to perform completely different type of work at the same time.
POWER OF REMEMBERING: It can remember data for us.
NO IQ: Computer does not work without instruction.
NO FEELING: Computer does not have emotions, knowledge, experience, feeling. 

3.    Write down the types of computer (July-15).
Answer: According to use:
(i)         General purposive computer
(ii)       Special purposive computer
According to technology or work:
(i)         Analog computer
(ii)       Digital computer
(iii)      Hybrid computer
According to size of speed
(i)         Grid computer
(ii)       Super computer
(iii)      Mainframe computer
(iv)     Mini computer
(v)       Micro computer

4.    Write down the elements of computer system (July-13,15).

Answer: The Five Basic Elements of Computer System Are
  1. Storage
  2. Arithmetic and Logical Unit
  3. Control Unit
  4. Input device
  5. Output device
5.    What are the physical components of personal computer (Jan-13).
Answer: Physical/Basic components of personal computer are:
  • Motherboard
  • Processor
  • Memory (RAM)
  • Case/chassis
  • Power supply
  • Floppy drive
  • Hard disk
  • CD-ROM, CD-RW, or DVD-ROM drive
  • Keyboard
  • Mouse
  • Video card
  • Monitor (display)
  • Sound card
  • Speakers
  • Modem

Physical /Basic PC Components

The motherboard is the core of the system. It really is the PC; everything else is connected to it, and it controls everything in the system.
The processor is often thought of as the "engine" of the computer. It's also called the CPU (central processing unit).
Memory (RAM)
The system memory is often called RAM (for random access memory). This is the primary memory, which holds all the programs and data the processor is using at a given time.
The case is the frame or chassis that houses the motherboard, power supply, disk drives, adapter cards, and any other physical components in the system.
Power supply
The power supply is what feeds electrical power to every single part in the PC.
Floppy drive
The floppy drive is a simple, inexpensive, low-capacity, removable-media, magnetic storage device.
Hard drive
The hard disk is the primary archival storage memory for the system.
CD-ROM (compact disc read-only) and DVD-ROM (digital versatile disc read-only) drives are relatively high-capacity, removable media, optical drives.
The keyboard is the primary device on a PC that is used by a human to communicate with and control a system.
Although many types of pointing devices are on the market today, the first and most popular device for this purpose is the mouse.
Video card
The video card controls the information you see on the monitor.
computer monitor or a computer display is an electronic visual display for computers. ... The display device in modern monitors is typically a thin film transistor liquid crystal display (TFT-LCD) or a flat panel LED display, while older monitors used a cathode ray tubes (CRT).
Sound card
It enables the PC to generate complex sounds.
Most prebuilt PCs ship with a modem (generally an internal modem).

6.    Write down the types of Digital computer (Jan-13).
Answer: There are four types of digital computer:
a). Micro computers;
b). Mini computers;
c). Main frame computers;
d). Super computers;
Micro computer:
In which the various integrated circuits and elements of a computer are replaced by single integrated circuit called a “chip”. Examples are the IBM pc, Apple Macintoshes, Dell.
Mini computers:
Physically small computers compared with mainframes. They are used for special purpose or smaller scale general purpose work. Example are DEC’S, VAX, RANGE.
Mainframes computers:
Large general purpose computes with extensive processing, storage and input/ output capabilities. The market for these computers is dominated by IBM.
Super computers:
A large and very powerful mainframe computer is called a supercomputer. The Cray X-MP is an example of supercomputer. Such supercomputers are applied to the solution of very complex and sophisticated scientific problem and for national security purposes of some advance nations.

7.    Who is the father of computer? (Jan-13, 14)

Answer: Charles Babbage was considered to be the father of computing after his invention and concept of the Analytical Engine in 1837. The Analytical Engine contained an Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU), basic flow control, and integrated memory; hailed as the first general-purpose computer concept. 

8.    Define IT? Write some disadvantage of IT. (July-13, Jan-15)

Answer: IT stands for ‘Information Technology’ and it is pronounced so “IT”. It refers to anything related to computer technology, such as networking, hardware, software, the internet and the people that work with these technologies.
Disadvantages of IT:
(i) Wastage time & Energy: Use in negative purpose, play game, chatting, for long time at Facebook, Twitter etc.
(ii)       Unsecure of date.
(iii)      Cybercrime: black hat hacking, bang account hacking, web hacking etc.
(iv)     Privacy unprotected and
(v)       Health risk.

9.    Write some advantages and disadvantages of IT. (Jan-13, July-14 & 15)
Answer: Advantage of IT:
  • Improved communication – advanced communication technology tools;
  • Easy access to information – at anytime and anywhere;
  • Improved housing and lifestyle – most of the items that we have in our homes today are automated.
  • Improved entertainment - we have more video games now, good music to listen and visual systems like smart TV's;
  • Social Networking – great improvement for individuals and businesses;
  • Convenience in education – online and mobile education;
  • Convenience of traveling – very important in our lives and in the business world;
  • Changed the health industry – modern technology in hospitals, reducing the mistakes made by doctors and evolving the patients treatments; 
  • Efficiency and productivity – helping businesses increasing production, saving time and money in the industry;
  • Encourages innovation and creativity – it is very easy to start a job today (while at home).
Disadvantages of IT:
  • Job loss – replacing humans;
  • World destruction weapons – increasing endless wars;
  • Increased loneliness – social isolation;
  • Competency – increased dependency on modern tools that reduces our creativity and intelligence. 
10.       Short Note of ICT or What is ICT (Jan13, July-14,15)
Answer: Information and communications technology (ICT) is an umbrella term that includes any communication device or application, encompassing: radio, television, cellular phones, computer and network hardware and software, satellite systems and so on, as well as the various services and applications . Modern ICT made world as a “Global Village”, in which people communication with others across the world as their next door.

11.    Write down the uses of computer in medical sector (Jan-13 14, 15, July. 13, 15)
(i)         Computerized Axial Tomography (CAT or CT)
(ii)       Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
(iii)      Functional MRI (fMRI)
(iv)     Positron Emission Tomography (PET)
(v)       Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS)
(vi)     Magneto encephalography (MEG)
(vii)    Medical records
(viii)  Medical billing
(ix)     Medical alerts
(x)       Diagnosis of disease
(xi)     Update of medical term
(xii)    Storage of history
(xiii)  Online meeting with doctor
(xiv)  Helpful for global treatment
(xv)   Medical security.

12. Write some name of computerized machine use in medical sector (Jan-14, July-14)

Answer:    a) X-ray machine
                  b) CT scan machine
                  c) Operating machine
                  d) Clinical test machine
                  e) Biological test machine
                  f) Laparoscopic surgeries
                  g) Administration machine
                  h) Accounting machine
                  i) Appointment machine
                  j) High tech, surgical machine.

13.  What is data? Write the different types of data. (jan-14.15)
 Answer: Data is the record of the outcome of observation or measurements or a group of individual. OR’ ’Data is a smallest element of an information which used to processing.” It is also called now material data processing e.g. dates times, ID etc.
#Types of Date:
1. Text data.
2. Numeric dada.
3. Currency data.
4. Data/time data.
5. Memo data.
6. Auto number data.
7. Logical data.

14. Define Data, Information and Database (July-13,14)
Answer: “Data is the record of the outcome of observation or measurements or a group of individual or “Data is a smallest element of an information which used to processing” It is also called now material of data processing e.g. dates, times, ID etc.

15. What is Bit and Byte? 2 Byte=? Bit. (July-14)
Answer: Bit: A bit (short for "binary digit") is the smallest unit of measurement used to quantify computer data. It contains a single binary value of 0 or 1.
Byte: A byte is a unit of measurement used to measure data. One byte contains eight binary bits, or a series of eight zeros and ones.
2 byte = 16 bit.

16. What is computer generation? Write the types of generation. (Jan-13,15).
Answer: Generation in computer terminology is charge in technology a computer was being. “Generation includes both hardware and software.
Following are the main five generations of computers:
1. First Generation (1940-1956) Vacuum Tubes (Vacuum tube based ENIAC, EDVAC, UNIVAC, IBM-701 and IBM-650)
2. Second Generation (1956-1963) Transistors, (Transistor based IBM-1620, CDC-1604, IBM-7094 and CDC-3600.)
3. Third Generation (1964-1971) Integrated Circuits (Integrated Circuit based IBM-360, IBM-370/168 and TDC-316.)
4. Fourth Generation (1971-Present) Microprocessors, VLSI microprocessor based DEC-10, STAR-1000, PDP-11, CRAY-1 (super computer).
5. Fifth Generation (Present and Beyond) Artificial Intelligence, ULSI (Ultra large scale Integration) microprocessor based [Using Artificial Intelligence]

17. What do you mean by CPU? Write down the component of CPU. (Jan-13,14, July-15)
Answer: CPU Full Name: Central Processing Unit. It is also called brain of computer. It control of all activities of computer.
Component of CPU-
1.       Arithmetic logic unit
2.       Control Unit
3.       Memory

18. What do you mean by USB port and pen drive? (July-14)
Answer: USB: USB (Universal Serial Bus) port is that which is used to transfer of data and attachment of input and output devices. In 1998 the computer company ‘Intel’ used it first.

Pen Drive: Pen Drive is a one type of storage device which is used for storage of data. Its capacity of data is limited. But it has some advantages, such as easy to carry and use, secure, after use of data can be deleted easily. It is very much popular for storage of data.

19. Write short notes on Monitor. (July-15)
Answer: Monitor is the most important physical component of computer. “Monitor is a output device of computer which instant show the result.”
There are three types of monitor-
(a)       CRT (Cathode Ray Tube)
(b)      LCD (Liquid Crystal Display)
(c)       LED (Light Emitting Diodes)

20. What is touch screen? Give some of it. (Jan-13).
Answer: A touchscreen is a display device that allows the user to interact with a computer by using their finger. They can be quite useful as an alternative to a mouse or keyboard for navigating a graphical user interface (GUI). Touchscreens are used on a variety of devices such as computer and laptop monitors, smartphones, tablets, cash registers, and information kiosks. Some touchscreens use a grid of infrared beams to sense the presence of a finger instead of utilizing touch-sensitive input..

21. Write short notes on Printer. (Jan-13).
Answer: A printer is a device that accepts text and graphic output from a computer and transfers the information to paper, usually to standard size sheets of paper. Printers vary in size, speed, sophistication, and cost. In general, more expensive printers are used for higher-resolution color printing. There are two major types of computer- (i) Character Printer & (ii) Line Printer.

22. Write short notes on Projector. (Jan-14)
Answer: Multimedia projector is a one type of computer output device which shows result as a big screen. Generally projector is used for class, office meeting, documentary videos, slide presentation etc. It is very easy to use and attach to the computer and carrying.

23. Write short note on keyboard and Web cam. (July-13)
Answer: A computer keyboard is an input device used to enter characters and functions into the computer system by pressing buttons, or keys. It is the primary device used to enter text. A keyboard typically contains keys for individual letters, numbers and special characters, as well as keys for specific functions. A keyboard may be divided into seven types of keys:
(i) Typewriter keys     (ii) System keys           (iii) Application keys 
(ii)   Function keys      (v) Numeric keypad     (vi) Cursor control keys  (iii)   Enter key & other.

Webcam: Webcam is an input device of computer and basically a camera used for taking photo of live video of user for online chatting, meeting and may other communication purposes. In the market have 5 to 18 mega pixel of web cam.

24. What is operating system? Write the function of it. (Jan-15, July-14)
Answer: An Operating System (OS) is an interface between a computer user and computer hardware. An operating system is a software which performs all the basic tasks like file management, memory management, process management, handling input and output, and controlling peripheral devices such as disk drives and printers. Some popular Operating Systems include Linux, Windows, OS X, VMS, OS/400, AIX, z/OS, etc.
Function of operating system: 
(i) Booting the computer  (ii) Perform basic computer task  (iii) Provides a user interface
(iv) Handless system resource (v) Provides file management  (vi) Provides network services
(vii) Control input, output and peripheral device.

25. Write down the different type of Operating System (OS). (Jan-13)
Answer: Type of Operating system:
(a) Batch operating system  (b) Real time operating system
Example: Windows (XP, 2000, 2007, 08) MS –DOS, Linux, UNIX, Android etc.

26. What is Input & Output device? Write the names of five input and output devices. (Jan-13, 14, 15, July-13,15)
Answer: Input device: An input device is a hardware or peripheral device used to send data to a computer. An input device allows users to communicate and feed instructions and data to computers for processing, display, storage and/or transmission.
Example of input device: Keyboard, mouse, scanner, microphone, web camera, touch pad, light pen etc. Output device is that which a hardware device provide result after central processing data.
Output device: An output device is any device used to send data from a computer to another device or user. Most computer data output that is meant for humans is in the form of audio or video. Thus, most output devices used by humans are in these categories.
Example of output device: Monitors, projectors, speakers, headphones, Printer and plotter, etc.

27. What is computer memory? How many types of computer memory? (Jan-15)
Answer: Computer memory is any physical device capable of storing information temporarily or permanently. For example, Random Access Memory (RAM) is a volatile memory that stores information on an integrated circuit used by the operating systemsoftware, and hardware.

Type of computer memory:
 Cache memory (CPU cache)
* Primary/Main memory (RAM & ROM)
* Secondary/Auxiliary memory (Hard disk, CD & DVD)

28. Write down the difference between primary and secondary memory. (Jan-13, 14, 15)
Sl. No.
Primary Memory
Secondary Memory
These are semiconductor memories.
These are magnetic and optical memories.
They are characterized as volatile random access memories (RAM).
They are non-volatile.
They contain program and data that is currently being used by microprocessor.
These are used to for bulk storage.
These memories are fast enough to interact with the microprocessor.
Slower than primary memories.
Also known as Main Memory
Also known as Backup Memory or Auxiliary Memory. E.g. Tapes, Floppies, Hard Discs, CD ROMs, DVDs
Primary memory storages are connected through data buses to CPU,
Whereas the secondary storages are connect through data cables to CPU

29. Write down the difference between RAM & ROM (Jan-15)
Sl. No.
Stands for Random-access Memory
Stands for Read-only memory
RAM is a read and write memory
Normally ROM is read only memory and it cannot be overwritten. However, EPROMs can be reprogrammed
RAM is faster
ROM is relatively slower than RAM
RAM is a volatile memory. It means that the data in RAM will be lost if power supply is cut-off
ROM is permanent memory. Data in ROM will stay as it is even if we remove the power-supply
There are mainly two types of RAM; static RAM and Dynamic RAM
There are several types of ROM; Erasable ROM, Programmable ROM, EPROM etc.
RAM stores all the applications and data when the computer is up and running
ROM usually stores instructions that are required for starting (booting) the computer
Price of RAM is comparatively high
ROM chips are comparatively cheaper
RAM chips are bigger in size
ROM chips are smaller in size
Processor can directly access the content of RAM
Content of ROM are usually first transferred to RAM and then accessed by processor. This is done in order to be able to access ROM content at a faster speed.
RAM is often installed with large storage.
Storage capacity of ROM installed in a computer is much lesser than RAM

30. Write is the difference between Volatile memory and Non-Volatile memory. (Jan-13, 14)
Sl. No.
Volatile Memory
Non-Volatile Memory
Requires a power source to retain information.
Does not require a power source to retain information
When power source is disconnected, information is lost or deleted.
When power source is disconnected, information is not deleted.
Often used for temporary retention of data, such as with RAM, or for retention of sensitive data.
Often used for long-term retention of data, such as files and folders

31. What is storage device with example? (Jan14)
Answer: A storage device is any computing hardware that is used for storing, porting and extracting data files and objects. It can hold and store information both temporarily and permanently, and can be internal or external to a computer, server or any similar computing device.

Example: RAM, ROM, Hard disk drive (HDD), Floppy Disk drive (FDD), CD, and DVD etc.

32. Write down the difference Desktop and Laptop PC. (Jan-14, 15) 
         Answer: - 1



There is a wide variety of component options available for desktops.

Laptops can have a fairly wide variety of component options.

Desktops are large in size and have a separate monitor.

Laptops are very portable due to their compact size.

Desktop processors are a little bit larger in size, but this also means the desktop processors can be more powerful than laptop processors.

Laptop processors have nearly caught up to desktop processors, but are still limited when compared to desktop processors.

Setting up a desktop takes a bit of extra work to hook everything up, start it up, and begin to use. It also requires more space to set up.

Laptops are built to be easy to use, requiring little time to get running.

Desktops can make use of full size keyboards.

Smaller laptops with the 14" and 15" screens typically have smaller keyboards.

Desktop monitors can be 15" or larger. It is even possible to hook up a desktop to a TV, so screen sizes could be as large as a TV.

Since portability is a big feature of laptops, smaller screen sizes are necessary and screen sizes typically range from 10" to 17".

Most components in a desktop are easily removable, making it easier to upgrade and since desktop cases are usually much bigger they're easier to work in when doing any upgrading.

Memory and hard drive are about the only components that can be upgraded in a laptop. The remaining components are either built-in or not removable or the laptop is not designed to work with an upgraded version of a component.

Repairing a desktop computer is much easier since most of the hardware can be easily purchased off the shelf of any local computer retail store.

For most users opening a laptop to repair a part can be difficult and finding a replacement part often requires calling the computer manufacturer or ordering from another online site.

         Answer: - 2
Sl. No.
Big in size
Small size
Not easy to carry
Easy to carry
Weight is high
Can’t use battery
Must use battery
Use of room and Office
Use everywhere
Design for stationary use, processor, monitor, keyboard, muse, should be attached
Laptop is all in one.

33. Write short notes on Laptop Computer (Jan-13, July-15)
laptop computer (also called notebook computer) is a computer that integrates all the elements that needs to run properly, including a battery power supply, a screen and a keyboard, in a small casing (on average 360 cm x 40 cm x 270 cm). Portable and compact personal computer with the same capabilities as a desktop computer. Laptop computers have an L-shape design and the screen can be lowered and closed to allow for easy transportation of the machine. The primary feature that attracts users to laptops over desktops is their portability. Laptop computers provide users the ability to run the machine using an internal battery or an outside power adapter. Laptops have dramatically decreased in size since their introduction in 1979. Laptops are usually more expensive than standard desktops and do not have the same life-span as fixed personal computers.

Laptop computer is a modern creation of science. It is a package keyboard, mouse, monitor, CPU, Web cam all are have to attach to each other and then have to work but laptop is all in one. Before laptop it is not possible to carry a computer for all time. After coming laptop PC is very easy to use of computer at any place, without electricity. It is looks small but powerful than desktop.

34. What is software? Write down the types of software with example. (July-13, 14, 15)
Answer: Software is a set of instruction for a computer to perform specific operation or that we can’t touch.
1.       System Software: e.g. windows, MS-DOS, BIOS, Linux, UNIX, device driver.
2.       Application Software: e.g. MS-Office, Antivirus, Game, Bijoy and Web browser etc.

35. What is Software? Give some example of system software (Jan-14, 15)
Answer: Software is a set of instruction for a computer to perform specific operation or that we can’t touch.
System software: Windows, DOS, BIOS, Linux, UNIX Device Drive etc.

36. What are the difference between system software and application software? (Jan-13, July-15)
Sl. No.
System Software
Application Software
System software is a set of programs that control the operation of computer and devices attached. It creates links between user and computer.
Application software is asset of programs which is used to solve particular programs of user through computer
Used to specific task
General task
Help to operate of all system of computer
Control package programs
Control all activities of computer
Control package programs
Example: Windows, MS-DOS, BIOS, Linux, UNIX, device driver.
MS-Office, Antivirus, Game, Bijoy, Web-browser etc.

37. What is computer hardware? (July-13)
Computer hardware is the collection of physical components that constitute a computer system. Computer hardware is the physical parts or components of a computer, such as monitorkeyboardcomputer data storagegraphic cardsound cardmotherboard, and so on, all of which are tangible objects. By contrast, software is instructions that can be stored and run by hardware.
   Below is a list of external hardware and internal hardware and the categories of hardware that may be found with a computer.
ü  External hardware examples:
·         Flat-panelMonitor, and LCD
·         Keyboard
·         Microphone
·         Mouse
·         Printer
  • Projector
  • Scanner
  • Speakers
  • USB thumb drive

ü  Internal hardware examples:
·         Processor (CPU)
·         Drive (e.g. Blu-rayCD-ROMDVDfloppy drivehard drive, and SSD)
·         Fan (heat sink)
·         Modem
  • Motherboard
  • Network card
  • RAM
  • Sound card
  • Video card

“Computer hardware is the collection of physical parts of a computer system or that we can touch”
Example: Computer case, monitor, keyboard, mouse hard disk, mother board, RAM, Processor, power supply unit, video card etc.

38. Write the difference between computer hardware and software? (Jan-13,15, July-15)
Sl. No.
Computer hardware is the collection of physical parts of a computer system.
Software is a set of instructions for a computer to perform specific operation.
Hardware is that we can touch
Software is that we can’t touch
Structure of computer
Function of computer
Hardware is physical in nature
Software is logical in nature
Hardware is not affected by virus
Software is affected by virus
Hardware can’t be transferred through network
Software can be transferred through network
Example: Keyboard, Monitor, Mouse, Hard disk, Mother board etc.
Example: Windows, MS-DOS, BIOS, Antivirus, Game, MS-Office etc.

39. What is MS Word? Write some use of it. (July-15)
Answer: Microsoft Word or MS-WORD (often called Word) is a graphical word processing program that users can type with. It is made by the computer company Microsoft. Its purpose is to allow users to type and save documents. Similar to other word processors, it has helpful tools to make documents.
Uses of MS Word: Below are 12 MS Word features that we should be using at work-
1.    Smart Art
2.    Turn Data into Visual Charts
3.    Make Your Document Interactive
4.    Inserting Watermarks
5.    Mail Merge
6.    Add Header, Footer and Page Number
7.    Cover Pages
8.    Search & Replace
9.    Check document for spelling and grammar errors
10. View Options
11. Find & Replace
12. Protect Word document with password

40. What is word processing software? Write some features of it. (Jan-14)
Answer: Sometimes abbreviated as WP, a word processor is a software program capable of creating, storing, and printing typed documents. Today, the word processor is one of the most frequently used software programs on a computer, with Microsoft Word being the most popular word processor.

Features of a word processor

  • Text formatting - Changing the font, font size, font color, bold, italicizing, etc.
  • Multimedia - Insert clip art, charts, images, pictures, and video into a document.
  • Spelling and Grammar - Have the ability to look for spelling and grammar errors in a document.
  • Adjust the layout - Capable of modifying the margins and layout of a document.
  • Indentation and lists - Set and format tabsbullet lists, and number lists.
  • Insert tables - Add tables to a document.
  • Header and footer - Being able to adjust and change text within the header and footer of a document.
  • Thesaurus - Look up alternatives to a word without leaving the program.
  • Auto Correct - Automatically correct common errors (e.g. typing "teh" and having it autocorrected to "the").
  • Mailers and labels - Create mailers or print labels.
  • Import data - Import and format data from CSVdatabase, or another source.
  • Macros - Setup macros to perform common tasks.

41. How can you save a document in MS Word? (Jan-14)

Answer: Process to save documents (for MS office 2003 version)-
  • Click on File Manu
  •  Click on ‘Save’ or Save as option
  • Type a file name on File name box [e.g. mas21] than
  •  Click on save button.
ü  Process to save documents (for MS office 2007 to Upper version)-
· Click on Office Button (2007) or File Tab
·  Click on ‘Save’ or Save as option
·  Type a file name on File name box [e.g. mas21] than
·  Click on save button.

42. What is Microsoft Excel? Write some advantages/Uses/functions of MS Excel. (Jan-15, July-14)
Answer: Microsoft Excel is a software program produced by Microsoft that allows users to organize, format and calculate data with formulas using a spreadsheet system. This software is part of the Microsoft Office suite and is compatible with other applications in the Office suite.
Some advantage/Uses/Functions of MS Excel:
i)           Easy to use
ii)          Solve mathematical problem
iii)        Entry lot of data
iv)        Well display of information
v)         Safe time
vi)        Easy to make salary sheet of worker
vii)      Easy to make result sheet of students
viii)     Easy to calculate value.

43. Write short notes on PowerPoint. (Jan-14)
Answer: Microsoft Office PowerPoint is presentation software that can be used by businesses, teachers, students or trainers for creating effective presentations. This software is a part of the Microsoft Office suite, which includes other popular applications, such as Microsoft Office Word, Excel, Access and Outlook. The MS PowerPoint can be looked at as a technological progress making overhead projectors, transparent slides or whiteboards obsolete. The software is designed to work with both Windows and Mac OS X operating systems
Use of PowerPoint:
·         Presentation as a Digital portfolio
·         Prepare nice Animations using
·         Photo Slide Show
·         Office Planning presentation
·         Make tutorials

44. What is presentation software? Write some uses of it. (July-15)
Answer: Same as Question No. 43.

45. What are Microsoft windows? Write some advantage of it. (Jan-14)
Answer: Windows is a range of graphical interface operating system that are developed and sold by Microsoft. Example-Windows XP-7, 8, 10 etc.
·         Easy to operate
·         Give huge of services than other operating system
·         Easy to learn
·         Include many type of function in one package
·         Multitasking operating system.

46. What is Microsoft Windows XP? (Jan-13, July13)
Answer: Microsoft windows XP was a popular windows level which was included many of command that were not before in windows operating system.

47. Write down the difference between MS DOD & Microsoft windows.

Sl. No.


Windows (OS)


 DOS (Disk Operating System)

Windows is a range of graphical interface operating system that are developed and sold by Microsoft


Used to text based interface that required text and codes to operate.

Uses graphics, image & text.


Text is used as the basic input system commands

Uses a mouse for all operating system input


Unable to run multiple processes at the same time

Windows is multi-tasking operating system


Highest amount is 2 GB

Up to 2 Terabyte






Windows XP, Windows-1,8 & 10 etc.

48. What is Computer VIRUS? Write some name of computer VIRUS. (Jan-13, 14)
A computer virus is a program or piece of code that is loaded onto your computer without your knowledge and runs against your wishes. Viruses can also replicate themselves. All computer viruses are man-made
VIRUS (Vital Information and Resources under Seize) is a program which creates problems in computer operation.
Example: look at the below list of Top 10 Computer Damaging Viruses in The World in 2017

1.   CIH computer virus

2.   Code Red computer virus

3.   Melissa

4.   Sasser computer virus.

5.   Zeus computer virus

6.   Conficker virus

7.   Stuxnet

8.   Mydoom

9.   Cryptolocker

10. Flashback computer virus


49. What is computer Anti-Virus? Write some name of computer Anti-Virus. (Jan-13, July-13, 14)
Answer: Anti-virus is a software used as prevent, detect and remove malware or VIRUS.
Example: 10 Best Antivirus Software - 2017

  1. Bitdefender Antivirus
  2. Avira Antivirus
  3. Avast Antivirus
  4. AVG Antivirus
  5. Kaspersky Lab Internet Security 2017
  6. Sophos Home Antivirus
  7. Panda  Antivirus
  8. Comodo Antivirus
  9. Check Point ZoneAlarm Antivirus
  10. Microsoft Windows Defender Antivirus

50. Write the official website address. (Jan-13, 14, 15, July-13, 14, 15)
·           = The State Medical Faculty of Bangladesh.
·         = Directorate General of Health Services.
·     = Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.
·            = Rajshahi Medical College.
·               = Rajshahi University.
·              = Dhaka University.
·           = Dhaka Medical College.

PART "A" End

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